Anime Review: One Punch Man
One Punch Man is a Japanese anime series that premiered on TV Tokyo in October 2015. The series follows Saitama, an immensely powerful superhero who only became a hero for fun. After three years of "special" training, Saitama enters the Hero Association in order to become a full-time hero and prove that he's the strongest in the world. However, all of the other heroes think he's just there to take their jobs and push them out of work. The series is about Saitama's journey to becoming a hero and all the trials and tribulations he goes through along his way. One Punch Man has been praised for its unique style, humor, and creativity in storytelling. It has also been praised for its social commentary on Outline: Introduction: What is One Punch Man and why has it become so popular? What is One Punch Man and why has it become so popular? One Punch Man, anime, manga Introduction: One Punch Man is a Japanese superhero manga series written and illustrated by Yusuke Murata.